WiFi DoS

Simple WiFi DoS Attack

This repository provides a simple script for conducting a Denial-of-Service (DoS) attack on WiFi networks. The attack utilizes the following tools:

  • nmcli - Network Manager Command Line Interface
  • macchanger - a utility that simplifies the manipulation of MAC addresses of network interfaces
  • aircrack-ng - a comprehensive suite of tools for assessing WiFi network security


Follow the steps below to execute the DoS attack:

  1. Change the permission of the script file to make it executable:
chmod +x wifi-dos.sh
  1. Use the following command to view all the networkds within the range of your WiFi adapter:
nmcli dev wifi
  1. Copy the target SSID and the corresponding channel number, and replace the values in the script.
  2. Execute the script with sudo, as aircrack-ng requires administrative privileges:
sudo ./wifi-dos.sh




This script is intended for educational purpose only. The author is not responsible for any malicious use of the content.

Plamen Ivanov
Plamen Ivanov
Junior DevOps Engineer

Python & Bash Automation Ninja | Gopher Rookie on the Rise